Welcome to REVITALIZ3

REVITALIZ3 is a Restorative Wellness Clinic with locations in Overland Park, Topeka, and Ottawa, Kansas. Our goal is to optimize your health, prevent age-related diseases, and eliminate weight management issues. By achieving optimum wellness, our patients can reclaim their vitality as well as achieve beauty and well being from the inside out!

We offer a prescriptive program to help with weight loss, utilizing a diet plan, exercise program and pharmaceuticals and/or neutraceuticals to achieve your optimal body composition. And to maximize exterior beauty, we provide aesthetic improvements through cosmetic injectables so you will look as good as you will feel!

At REVITALIZ3, our patients experience a proactive approach to health - starting with personalized evaluations. Through safe and effective treatments, we are able help men and women regain their zest for life, energy, endurance, strength, mental clarity, metabolism, sexual drive and performance - through addressing and treating the root cause instead of only treating symptoms.

We take a holistic and integrated approach by treating each patient based on their individual body chemistry, health history, and patient goals. Our entire program is based on what your body specifically requires to achieve optimal health and wellness, while creating a preventative health plan for the future.

REVITALIZ3 Can Help You: